Protecting Our Land and Waterways
My top environmental concerns for the district are controlling weed and algae growth in the Yahara chain and minimizing flooding in extreme weather events due to climate changes. Controlling algae and weed growth requires a multi-pronged approach, including continuing the county’s work to remove nutrient-rich sediment from our local waterways. and working with farmers to employ best practices to keep phosphorus on the land and out of our lakes and streams.
I also support continued investment in our Urban Water Quality Grant program, which helps municipalities develop stormwater facilities that slow runoff and reduce nutrient loads flowing into our waters. I have advocated for expanding our fleet of weed cutters, which are an important tool in maintaining flow in warm-weather months. I supported many acquisitions to preserve or restore wetlands. Each of these efforts has both the benefit of improving water quality, providing water storage, and improving the flow of water through the Yahara chain, thereby mitigating flooding.
The use of firefighting foams by the FAA at the Dane County Regional Airport has contaminated the soils and groundwater there. We need to continue to work with the state and federal governments on solutions to remediate the contamination. Additionally, we need to hold PFAS manufacturers accountable and recover remediation costs from them.